
How To Become More Free Online: A Guide For The Technologically-Impaired

Despite everyone being glued to a screen, I have found that most people have no idea how a computer works. This is true for both the older and younger generations as they did not have a chance to experience the old-way of using a computer. There were no apps or app-stores. Productivity happened outside the web browser and the challenges that this posed taught those using a computer in the 90s and early 2000s the basics that seem to be lost on others

Fast CGI OpenRC Config

I needed to get fastcgi running on my artix server with OpenRC and ran into issues with the fastcgi-openrc package from pacman. installing the spawn-fcgi package and creating a custom rc file solved my issue. Sharing that config here in case anyone is at their wit’s end and has exhausted all search-engine links other than this page.


description="fcgiwrap cgi daemon"


command_args="-n -s /var/run/fcgiwrap.socket -M 766 /usr/sbin/fcgiwrap"

depend() {
        need net localmount
        after firewall
The Arctic Archive: My Server
              WELCOME TO THE
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Smart Meter: Just Say No!

I received a knock on my door from the JCP&L (Jersey Central Power and Light) man last week. He told me he is just letting me know that he will be replacing my current electrical utility meter with a sMaRt MeTeR. I immediately explained that I was not interested in that. I am not interested in any SMART device in my home. It is bad enough I have a smart-phone. And sure, maybe a smart meter does not emit enough EMF to damage me, but why should I compound the EMF I am exposed to for the sake of a company.

Leaving Academia – A Practical Guide to Ditching Your Ph. D and Learning to Code

📝 UPDATE (07/09/2024) - The job market is bad and seems to be getting worse. The “AI” hype is totally overblown. You should re-assess whether this is what you really want to do simply because it is so hard to find a job right now. I have 3 people from different background looking for a new job at the moment, I will update this when I get a better understanding of the job market. I do not recommend learning what people refer to as “AI”, it is a meme and a market bubble like VR, Blockchain, BIG DATA, NFTs, etc. With that said, considering learning all this takes a year, you can make the gamble that in a year hiring will go back to normal and you will be ready to go!