The Arctic Archive: My Server

              WELCOME TO THE
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This page is dedicated to the server that this website is hosted on. It is currently called the “Arctic Archive”. I wanted to play off of the OS name Artix. That is right, I use Artix, so I can say: “I use Arch BTW, but without systemd”. I was using vanilla Arch but since my hard-drive was borked by an unwanted smart-meter installation, I decided to take the opportunity to rid myself from the IBM/RedHat owned systemd.

My server has many duties including NAS, Web Hosting, Torrenting, Backup/Syncing (mainly of all of the music I write, I record every rehearsal which ends up amounting to 1TB/year of data.), automation and monitoring. I do not use docker or any type of containerization as I find it abstracts myself away from what is actually running on my system. I only use FOSS software.

The server currently runs:

My future plans for the server are:

Obligatory neofetch:


                   '                      dominic@server 
                  'o'                     -------------- 
                 'ooo'                    OS: Artix Linux x86_64 
                'ooxoo'                   Host: X9SCL/X9SCM 0123456789 
               'ooxxxoo'                  Kernel: 6.9.7-artix1-1 
              'oookkxxoo'                 Uptime: 4 hours, 14 mins 
             'oiioxkkxxoo'                Packages: 303 (pacman) 
            ':;:iiiioxxxoo'               Shell: bash 5.2.26 
               `'.;::ioxxoo'              CPU: Intel Xeon E31270 (8) @ 3.800GHz [49.0°on] 
          '-.      `':;jiooo'             Memory: 0.73GiB / 15.59GiB 
         'oooio-..     `'i:io'            Disk (/): 2.5G / 46G (6%) 
        'ooooxxxxoio:,.   `'-;'           Disk (/home): 329M / 833G (1%) 
       'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-.  `'          Disk (/mnt/md0): 1.7T / 22T (8%) 
      'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji'            Disk (/mnt/md1): 2.7T / 3.6T (77%) 
     'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'`     .i'
    'ooooxxxxxoi:::'`       .;ioxo'                               
   'ooooxooi::'`         .:iiixkxxo'                              
  'ooooi:'`                `'';ioxxo'
 'i:'`                          '':io'
'`                                   `'