[SYNTH DIY] Benjie Jiao's Mini Delay Strip Board Layout (With Added CV Control)

I souped up Benjie Jiao’s Mini Delay with CV control on the wet & time controls. I forewent adding it to feedback to save space as well as not seeing a practical reason to control feedback that way. I know he has a full delay module with CV here but he did not have a schematic for it published so I just used the mini delay schematic.

If you are going to add CV control, you should have some familiarity with vactrols. I did not and will not go in depth on explaining how they work, but I recommend you watch Quincas’ video on how to make your own here. I always found in interesting the Quincas introduces himself as “A Synth DIY Guy” rather than “The Synth DIY Guy”. I understand where he is coming from because he is not the only one, I just never heard someone use that parlance before.


The synth module itself has more noise than I would like, but I am just going to consider it a quirk rather than an issue. Benjie speaks about this in his video, but I think the noise gets exacerbated when you make the module self oscillate through heavy feedback. I try to capture this in my demo video at the bottom.

Power Conditioning

Another note: you definitely want to have the power conditioning capacitors here, I was getting some clicking along with the note when testing on the breadboard but adding the caps removed it.

Stripboard Layout

Demo Video


[SYNTH DIY] Benjie Jiao's Mini Delay Strip Board Layout (With Added CV Control)

I souped up Benjie Jiao’s Mini Delay with CV control on the wet & time controls. I forewent adding it to feedback to save space as well as not seeing a practical reason to control feedback that way. I know he has a full delay module with CV here but he did not have a schematic for it published so I just used the mini delay schematic.

If you are going to add CV control, you should have some familiarity with vactrols. I did not and will not go in depth on explaining how they work, but I recommend you watch Quincas’ video on how to make your own here. I always found in interesting the Quincas introduces himself as “A Synth DIY Guy” rather than “The Synth DIY Guy”. I understand where he is coming from because he is not the only one, I just never heard someone use that parlance before.


The synth module itself has more noise than I would like, but I am just going to consider it a quirk rather than an issue. Benjie speaks about this in his video, but I think the noise gets exacerbated when you make the module self oscillate through heavy feedback. I try to capture this in my demo video at the bottom.

Power Conditioning

Another note: you definitely want to have the power conditioning capacitors here, I was getting some clicking along with the note when testing on the breadboard but adding the caps removed it.

Stripboard Layout

Demo Video
