[SYNTH DIY] Juanito Moore's 808 Kick Stripboard Layout

I recently built Juanito Moore’s 808 Kick drum module. This gave me significantly less issues than the VCO that I made last time! I am pretty sure it worked right away!

The only thing I changed in the design was adding a 470k potentiometer between legs 1 and 3 on the Decay potentiometer in order to lessen the range (I think by about half). Without this I was hitting infinite decay at about 20% turn of the pot.

Eddy Bergman also has a stripboard layout for this with a more detailed blog post here. I use Eddy Bergman’s site a lot for schematics. Some may wonder why I post my stripboard layouts here if he already has a bunch of stripboard layouts. This is because his layouts tend to result in way too large of a strip board for my case. I hope that those with smaller cases (who are not using Kosmo/5U format) will find my layouts useful. I do think you should check out Eddy’s site though as it has a ton of useful information!

One of the interesting quirks that I have noticed with this module is that if you trigger it prior to the decay fully completing, you will get a retriggered kick with a short decay. I do not know if this is an issue with my module only or if it is supposed to happen. Either way, I tend to like it as it adds variation to the kick despite having no cv modulation input. My guess is it has something to do with the capacitor not draining fully before being triggered again. What the heck do I know though?


Stripboard Layout

mirror the image horizontally, it will be easier to cut traces.

Demo Video

again with the vertical video… I am ashamed…


[SYNTH DIY] Juanito Moore's 808 Kick Stripboard Layout

I recently built Juanito Moore’s 808 Kick drum module. This gave me significantly less issues than the VCO that I made last time! I am pretty sure it worked right away!

The only thing I changed in the design was adding a 470k potentiometer between legs 1 and 3 on the Decay potentiometer in order to lessen the range (I think by about half). Without this I was hitting infinite decay at about 20% turn of the pot.

Eddy Bergman also has a stripboard layout for this with a more detailed blog post here. I use Eddy Bergman’s site a lot for schematics. Some may wonder why I post my stripboard layouts here if he already has a bunch of stripboard layouts. This is because his layouts tend to result in way too large of a strip board for my case. I hope that those with smaller cases (who are not using Kosmo/5U format) will find my layouts useful. I do think you should check out Eddy’s site though as it has a ton of useful information!

One of the interesting quirks that I have noticed with this module is that if you trigger it prior to the decay fully completing, you will get a retriggered kick with a short decay. I do not know if this is an issue with my module only or if it is supposed to happen. Either way, I tend to like it as it adds variation to the kick despite having no cv modulation input. My guess is it has something to do with the capacitor not draining fully before being triggered again. What the heck do I know though?


Stripboard Layout

mirror the image horizontally, it will be easier to cut traces.

Demo Video

again with the vertical video… I am ashamed…
